Communication between Coq and SAT/SMT solvers

C API for SMTCoq


SMTCoq provides a C API for calling the certified checker from C or C++.

This documentation assumes that the reader is knowledgeable in SAT/SMT solving, and in C or C++.


The simplest way to having the API directly installed on the machine is to use opam. It has been tested only under Linux, but opam is also available for MacOS and Windows.

Warning: For MacOS, the default C compiler may be clang; you should set gcc as the default instead.

We also propose docker and VirtualBox images.

In doubt, the simplest is to use VirtualBox.

With opam

If it is your first use of opam, run:

opam init

Create a new switch with OCaml-4.09.1:

opam switch create smtcoqcapi 4.09.1
eval $(opam env --switch=smtcoqcapi)

Download the git repository and switch to the correct branch:

git clone
cd smtcoq
git checkout extrapi-coq-8.19

Compile and install:

opam install -y ./coq-smtcoq-extrapi.opam

Note: There is no need to be root, everything is installed in user space, in the opam switch.

To compile a C program main.c that uses the API, run the following commands:

eval $(opam env --switch=smtcoqcapi)
cc -o prog -I `ocamlc -where` -I `ocamlc -where`/../smtcoq -L `ocamlc -where` -L `ocamlc -where`/../zarith -L `ocamlc -where`/../coq-core/perf -L `ocamlc -where`/../coq-core/vm -L `ocamlc -where`/../smtcoq main.c -lsmtcoqapi -lm -lunix -lthreads -lnums -lcamlstr -lzarith -lgmp -lcoqperf_stubs -lcoqrun_stubs -lpthread -ldl

It generates a file prog which can be run with the command ./prog.

With docker

Pull the docker image smtcoq/smtcoq-capi:latest.

You can run the image by doing:

docker run -it smtcoq/smtcoq-capi:latest

You can also bind a local directory /path/to/local/dir with the command:

docker run -w /home/coq/dir -v "/path/to/local/dir:/home/coq/dir" -it smtcoq/smtcoq-capi:latest

To compile a C program main.c that uses the API in this docker image, run the following command:

cc -o prog -I `ocamlc -where` -I `ocamlc -where`/../smtcoq -L `ocamlc -where` -L `ocamlc -where`/../zarith -L `ocamlc -where`/../coq-core/perf -L `ocamlc -where`/../coq-core/vm -L `ocamlc -where`/../smtcoq main.c -lsmtcoqapi -lm -lunix -lthreads -lnums -lcamlstr -lzarith -lgmp -lcoqperf_stubs -lcoqrun_stubs -lpthread -ldl

It generates a file prog which can be run with the command ./prog.

With VirtualBox

You can download an image with everything installed here. Simply import it (File → Import) and run it with VirtualBox. There is a user account with login and password user, and the root account has password root.

To compile a C program main.c that uses the API in this virtual machine, opam a terminal and run the following command:

cc -o prog -I `ocamlc -where` -I `ocamlc -where`/../smtcoq -L `ocamlc -where` -L `ocamlc -where`/../zarith -L `ocamlc -where`/../coq-core/perf -L `ocamlc -where`/../coq-core/vm -L `ocamlc -where`/../smtcoq main.c -lsmtcoqapi -lm -lunix -lthreads -lnums -lcamlstr -lzarith -lgmp -lcoqperf_stubs -lcoqrun_stubs -lpthread -ldl

It generates a file prog which can be run with the command ./prog.

Questions and bug report

If you have any question or remark, you are invited to join the SMTCoq forum.

Bugs can be reported on github.

Introductory example

The program

The following C program builds, step by step, a proof of the unsatisfiability of the formula a ∧ ¬a, and checks it with the certified checker.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <caml/callback.h>
#include "types.h"
#include "checker.h"

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  // The main should always start with this command
  // (more explanations later)

  // We state the problem, in a way similar to SMT-LIB2 <>
  // Start

  // `asymb` is a function symbol with name "a", empty domain (`0` and
  // `NULL`), and codomain in the sort `Bool`
  FUNSYM asymb = funsym("a", 0, NULL, sort("Bool"));

  // From this function symbol, we can define our expression `a ∧ ¬a`
  // First, `a` is the application of `asym` to an empty list
  EXPR a = efun(asymb, NULL);

  // Then, let's build the expression `a ∧ ¬a`. `¬` is defined by the
  // unary `enot` function, and ∧ by the n-ary `eand` function.
  EXPR args[2] = {a, enot(a)};
  EXPR anota = eand(2, args);

  // Finally, let's assert this formula in our problem

  // We can now build a proof of unsatisfiability, step by step
  // The proof format is a subset of the Alethe format
  //   <>
  // All the possible steps take as a first argument a name, that can be
  // useful for debugging (more explanations later)
  // First, let's get back our assertion, which is labeled `0` as it is
  // the first (and only) one we declared
  CERTIF step1 = cassume("step1", 0);   // Proves the clause `a ∧ ¬a`

  // Then, let's break the ∧ in two, from step1
  CERTIF step2 = cand("step2", step1, 1);   // Proves the clause `a`
  CERTIF step3 = cand("step3", step1, 2);   // Proves the clause `¬a`

  // Finally, we can resolve these two clauses to obtain the empty
  // clause, which witnesses that our assertion was unsatisfiable
  CERTIF clauses[2] = {step2, step3};
  CERTIF step4 = cresolution("step4", 2, clauses);   // Proves the empty clause

  // Let's us now call the certified checker, which should return `true`

  printf("Example successful\n");

  return 0;

Compiling and running

See the end of the installation instructions, depending on your choice.

What is a certificate?

In this setting, a certificate is a proof of the unsatisfiability of the conjunction of the assertions. Such a proof, starting from the assertions (using the rule cassume), derives new clauses, until it derives the empty clause.

The invariant is that all the derived clauses are implied by the assertions. As the empty clause can be derived, and is unsatisfiable, it entails that the input problem is also unsatisfiable.

We provide a set of rules that is complete for our logic, and which is a subset of the Alethe proof format. See below for details.

What is a certified checker?

When running the program, the assertion goes through, meaning that check_proof(step4) returned true. It means that the certificate step4 is indeed a proof of the unsatisfiability of the problem that was stated with calls to declare_fun and assertf, with strong guaranties: the checker is extracted from a program that has been written and certified using the Coq proof assistant. Thus, the degree of confidence in the fact that the stated problem is unsatisfiable is the one of Coq, with its extraction mechanism, and a bit of OCaml and C glue.

What is certified is the correctness of the checker: when it answers true, then the input problem is unsatisfiable. Note that the checker is not certified to be complete: when it answers false, we learn nothing: it may be that the problem is satisfiable, or that there is a bug in the certificate.

In addition to correctness, great care has been taken to make the checker as efficient as possible.


To understand what happens when the certified checker answers false, we also provide a debugging checker. This checker is not certified and is much less efficient, but it outputs the result of each step and details when something goes wrong.

Let us try on the example: we replace the lines


  printf("Example successful\n");



After compiling and running the program, we obtain the following output:

Checking node step1: success, produces the clause {(and a (not a))}
Checking node step2: success, produces the clause {a}
Checking node step3: success, produces the clause {(not a)}
Checking node step4: success, produces the clause {}
Proof checking was successful (but this checker is NOT certified)

We can visualize proof checking step by step, referring to them by the names that were given. The produces clauses are written.

Note: The steps can be checked in any valid order.

As an example, suppose we make a mistake in the proof, and instead of resolving the results of step2 and step3, we resolve the results of step2 with step1. It amounts to replacing the line

  CERTIF clauses[2] = {step2, step3};


  CERTIF clauses[2] = {step2, step1};

Now, the output becomes:

Checking node step1: success, produces the clause {(and a (not a))}
Checking node step2: success, produces the clause {a}
Checking node step4: failure [resolution: could not find resolvant]
Stopping proof checking

Supported logic

This running example belongs to propositional logic, but the checker currently supports the logic QF_UFLIA of SMT-LIB2: propositional logic with the theories of equality and linear integer arithmetic.

Note: We plan to add support for bit vectors and arrays in the short term, and universal quantifiers and the mid-term.

It means that two sorts are built-in: sort("Bool") and sort("Int"). New uninterpreted sorts can be added by:

SORT u = sort("U");

Parameterized sorts are not supported yet.

Most expressions of this logic are supported. All the details can be found in the full documentation of the API.

Advanced details

OCaml runtime

As explained, the certified checker is extracted from Coq, in the OCaml language. Callbacks and a bit of glue allows to use it in C/C++.

This is why the files that uses the checker must load the library caml/callback.h, and the entry point of the program (the main function) must start with caml_startup(argv);.

Imperative vs functional SMT-LIB2 problem

In the example above, the input problem is stated in a way which is similar to SMT-LIB2: sorts are declared with declare_sort(•), function and predicate symbols with declare_fun(•), assertions with assertf(•); and finally, the checker is called with check_proof(•). For this to work, the whole process must start with start_smt2();, which initialize the checker. It implies that, if calling start_smt2(); again, all the sorts, function symbols and assertions must be declared again.

We also propose a functional interface. In the example, it can be used like this:

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  // The main should always start with this command

  // We declare an empty list of uninterpreted sorts
  SORTS s = sorts(0, NULL);

  // `asymb` is a function symbol with name "a", empty domain (`0` and
  // `NULL`), and codomain in the sort `Bool`
  FUNSYM asymb = funsym("a", 0, NULL, sort("Bool"));
  FUNSYMS f = funsyms(1, &asymb);

  // From this function symbol, we can define our expression `a ∧ ¬a`
  // First, `a` is the application of `asym` to an empty list
  EXPR a = efun(asymb, NULL);

  // Then, let's build the expression `a ∧ ¬a`. `¬` is defined by the
  // unary `enot` function, and ∧ by the n-ary `eand` function.
  EXPR args[2] = {a, enot(a)};
  EXPR anota = eand(2, args);

  // Finally, let's assert this formula in our problem
  ASSERTIONS ass = assertions(1, &anota);

  // We obtain the full SMT-LIB2 problem
  SMTLIB2 problem = smtlib2(s, f, ass);

  // We can now build a proof of unsatisfiability, step by step
  // The proof format is a subset of the Alethe format
  //   <>
  // All the possible steps take as a first argument a name, that can be
  // useful for debugging (more explanations later)
  // First, let's get back our assertion, which is labeled `0` as it is
  // the first (and only) one we declared
  CERTIF step1 = cassume("step1", 0);   // Proves the clause `a ∧ ¬a`

  // Then, let's break the ∧ in two, from step1
  CERTIF step2 = cand("step2", step1, 1);   // Proves the clause `a`
  CERTIF step3 = cand("step3", step1, 2);   // Proves the clause `¬a`

  // Finally, we can resolve these two clauses to obtain the empty
  // clause, which witnesses that our assertion was unsatisfiable
  CERTIF clauses[2] = {step2, step3};
  CERTIF step4 = cresolution("step4", 2, clauses);   // Proves the empty clause

  // Let's us now call the functional certified checker, which should
  // return `true`
  assert(checker(problem, step4));

  printf("Example successful\n");

  return 0;

Sorts, function symbols and expressions

Sorts are of type SORT. Sorts can be defined using the function

SORT sort(char* s);

As explained above, the sorts "Bool" and "Int" are interpreted respectively as Booleans and integers (similarly to the SMT-LIB2 standard), and all the other strings define new uninterpreted sorts which must be declared using the function declare_sort in the imperative way, or sorts in the functional variant.

Uninterpreted function and predicate symbols are of type FUNSYM, and can be defined using the function

FUNSYM funsym(char* name, size_t arity, const SORT* domain, SORT codomain);

Again, they must be declared using either declare_fun or funsyms.

Finally, terms and formulas of first-order logic are of type EXPR. We provide a variety of function to define them using uninterpreted and interpreted functions and predicates.


Certificates are of type CERTIF. They represent proofs of unsatisfiability of conjunctions of formulas given as assertions. We provide a subset of the Alethe proof format, as presented here, with rules for:

We refer the reader to the documentation of the API for details.

The full API

The full documentation of the API is available here.


We provide a tutorial with exercises to progressively take over the API.